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Dental Caries Update – Part 4 is published by the Faculty of Dentistry at the University of Toronto ©University of Toronto.
The content provided on this site is based on current practice as taught by the Faculty of Dentistry at the University of Toronto.
The contents of this site are presented as general information only and are not intended to replace your training and the advice provided by the regulatory body in your jurisdiction or other educational institutions. It is the responsibility of each member to continue his or her education and remain current in the best practices for dental emergencies.
The appropriate response to any dental emergency may differ depending on the facts peculiar to that situation and other methods of treatment may be appropriate or preferred in given circumstances.
University of Toronto, and their respective officers, directors, staff, or contractors, and the authors are not responsible for any personal injuries or other damages, however caused, arising from the use of any information or from following any of the advice or recommendations contained on this site or suggested additional reading or references, including internet linkages, and the user, in consideration of the receipt of the information and recommendations, agrees to indemnify and hold all of the above harmless with respect to any such personal injuries or other damages.